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Although Gravel Union is too small to be able to change the gravelly world overnight, we want to make sure we use our platform as a force for good, rather than just continuing the status quo. Ever since we started more than four years ago, we’ve always tried to be slightly different to the rest of the cycling media – we help promote small scale gravel events, we’ve regularly featured riders from under-represented backgrounds, we’ve used our marketing budget to help groups of local riders in East Africa and we publish as many stories as possible on the site written by female authors

But we want to do more, so we’re introducing “Gravelvision” – this will form the ethos of how we are going to do things in the future. We don’t want it to just be a wishy-washy, marketing-led policy – we want to make a real difference.

  • We're going to be introducing a bursary scheme for under-represented riders who want to go off and do a gravelly adventure somewhere and need some help with funding.
  • We're going to run more stories, images and video by female and non-white contributors.
  • We're going to work with more small scale, local gravel events and
  • W'ere going to do more to get you, our loyal Gravel Union community involved in our website and social media.

If you have ideas of something you think we should write a story on, get involved with or just give a helping hand to, let us know!






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