#filmfriday - Escapism with Ride Sri Lanka 2024

Back in April Olly got offered a dream opportunity to head out to Sri Lanka on a press trip to test out the potential for gravel riding there. The research that the group did has been put to good use and a new gravel event has just been launched. Welcome to Ride Sri Lanka 2024.

Ride Sri Lanka 2024 is described by the organisers as "Sri Lanka's premier cycling adventure" and promises a mix of fantastic riding on undiscovered trails, beautiful scenery and luxury accommodation. The event organisers have tried to find the balance of making the event appeal to racers and non-racers alike, so have included timed sections and some competitive elements, but it's all optional. If you'd prefer to ride at your own pace and soak up the sights and sounds of Sri Lanka, they will be able to organise that for you.

Entry into the event is £890 which includes accommodation, transfers and most meals and Sri Lanka Airlines are offering heavily discounted flights from London for the first 30 riders to sign up. 

You can find all the details here.

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