News - Flat out, tongue out racing at the UCI Gravel Fondo Limburg

The end of April saw nearly 1500 gravel racing fans line up on the startline at the 2024 Gravel Fondo Limburg. With coveted places for the UCI Gravel World Championships up for grabs for anyone who finished in the top 25% of their respective age categories, the racing was fast and furious. If you'd like to see what the event was like, check out our photo essay here.

This is what the riders visualise at the low points during the race

Trying to get 1700 riders lined up on time in their correct 'pens' is quite a logistical challenge.

Slightly larger than your typical event sign-on sheet.

Where's Wally?

At exactly 8.30am, the first block of riders set off. Their first challenge - climb the infamous Cauberg

The Elite Women's field was much smaller than the Men's, but no less rapid on the Cauberg climb.

Retired road pro Greg Van Avermaet initially led the Elite Men's field. Was he hoping to exchange his Olympic gold medal for a UCI gravel medal?

The racers were set off in waves, which gave spectators a great opportunity to see the different groups.

The weather gods smiled and gave the waiting photographers exactly the early morning light that we hoped for.

Unfortunately, the puncture gods weren't feeling quite so benevolent.

At least the view was good while you mend your punctured tyre/tube.

This was flat-out, foot-out, tongue-out gravel racing at its finest.

Worm's Eye view of gravel racing

Doing trailside mechanical repairs with racers brushing past you is never easy. 

The quiet before the storm as we wait in the event village for the first riders to come home.

Keeping the event crew topped up with calories was a critical task.

The Elite Men's winner Toon Aerts crosses the line in style.

Pro CX racers (like Cameron Mason pictured here)...

...brushed shoulders with pro road racers.

The finish line area was initially awash with stars and former stars of the cycling world.

Before legions of amateur racers also crossed the line.

Everyone was keen to find out their finishing place and to collect a medal.

Elite Men's winner, Toon Aerts, mingling with the crowd before the podium ceremony.

His sole concession to fixing mechanicals was a lightweight set of tubeless tyre plugs fixed with electrical tape to his stem. 

Elite Women's podium - Tessa Neffjes (1st), Irina Lützelschwab (2nd) and Wendy Oosterwoud (3rd)

Elite Men's podium - Toon Aerts (1st), Piotr Havik (2nd), Adne Koster (3rd)